
Water & Soul

He isn’t the hero anyone wanted.

Dagen isn’t a hero at all, he’s the king’s pigeon keeper.

Blackmailed and backed into a corner, Dagen has no choice but to help his half-brother steal a powerful relic, the Osslian sword. But when Dagen accidentally bonds himself to the sword he discovers the unexpected truth: Osslian is not just a sword, he is a ancient sentient being that now shares control of Dagen’s body.

And Osslian isn’t the only enchanted sword.

The sword Enna has lived in the bodies of her Bearers for centuries. Trapped in their human weakness and longing for the days of her true masters, the Shee who created her and all those like her. And now she has a plan to set them free again.

Osslian remembers the true nature of the Shee, the death and destruction they caused and all those who died to imprison them. He must find a way to stop her, but instead of having a powerful sorcerer as a Bearer, he has a servant.

Dagen and Osslian must learn to work together. If they don’t, then Enna will succeed in freeing the Shee and a new age of death and darkness will begin.